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So i'm pretty new to programming and this was my 1st official finished program. It calculates the amount of ways you can make a specified number with a specified amount of dice
Ex. How many ways can you make a 10 using 3 dice, (the program calculates it), you get 27.
I'm pretty proud of this, but i'm always open to learning how to improve my code :)
using System;
namespace Numbers
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool resetProgram = true;
while (resetProgram == true)
Console.WriteLine("Input amount of dice (1-5).");
int dice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
while (dice > 5 || dice < 1)
Console.WriteLine("please input a valid number (1-5)");
dice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Input desired number.");
int desiredNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
int A = 1;
int B = 1;
int C = 1;
int D = 1;
int E = 1;
int total = 0;
int ways = 0;
bool cancel = false;
while (cancel == false)
switch (dice)
case 1:
total = A;
if (total == desiredNum)
ways = ways + 1;
Console.WriteLine("A = " + A);
Console.WriteLine("total = " + total);
Console.WriteLine("ways = " + ways);
A = A + 1;
if (A > 6)
cancel = true;
case 2:
total = A + B;
if (total == desiredNum)
ways = ways + 1;
Console.WriteLine("A = " + A);
Console.WriteLine("B = " + B);
Console.WriteLine("total = " + total);
Console.WriteLine("ways = " + ways);
A = A + 1;
if (A > 6)
A = 1;
B = B + 1;
if (B > 6)
cancel = true;
case 3:
total = A + B + C;
if (total == desiredNum)
ways = ways + 1;
Console.WriteLine("A = " + A);
Console.WriteLine("B = " + B);
Console.WriteLine("C = " + C);
Console.WriteLine("total = " + total);
Console.WriteLine("ways = " + ways);
A = A + 1;
if (A > 6)
A = 1;
B = B + 1;
if (B > 6)
B = 1;
C = C + 1;
if (C > 6)
cancel = true;
case 4:
total = A + B + C + D;
if (total == desiredNum)
ways = ways + 1;
Console.WriteLine("A = " + A);
Console.WriteLine("B = " + B);
Console.WriteLine("C = " + C);
Console.WriteLine("D = " + D);
Console.WriteLine("total = " + total);
Console.WriteLine("ways = " + ways);
A = A + 1;
if (A > 6)
A = 1;
B = B + 1;
if (B > 6)
B = 1;
C = C + 1;
if (C > 6)
C = 1;
D = D + 1;
if (D > 6)
cancel = true;
case 5:
total = A + B + C + D + E;
if (total == desiredNum)
ways = ways + 1;
Console.WriteLine("A = " + A);
Console.WriteLine("B = " + B);
Console.WriteLine("C = " + C);
Console.WriteLine("D = " + D);
Console.WriteLine("E = " + E);
Console.WriteLine("total = " + total);
Console.WriteLine("ways = " + ways);
A = A + 1;
if (A > 6)
A = 1;
B = B + 1;
if (B > 6)
B = 1;
C = C + 1;
if (C > 6)
C = 1;
D = D + 1;
if (D > 6)
D = 1;
E = E + 1;
if (E > 6)
cancel = true;
bool loop = true;
Console.WriteLine("the amount of ways you can make a " + desiredNum +" using " + dice + " dice, is " + ways);
Console.WriteLine("Reset? Type [y] for yes, and [n] for no.");
string reset = Console.ReadLine();
while (loop == true)
switch (reset)
case "y":
resetProgram = true;
loop = false;
case "n":
resetProgram = false;
loop = false;
Console.WriteLine("unknown command. To reset type [y] for yes, and [n] for no.");
reset = Console.ReadLine();
Asking us about making this code smaller an more efficient is not a good thing
Save it for later.
So when you have nothing to then try this on your own