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[Newbie question] Can't find the mistake in this simple code?

Why am I getting "error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected" for this code? I know I'm looking over something basic... but I've been trying to figure this out for like 45 minutes already.

using System;

namespace test


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)

{ // What is Num 1 divided by Num 2? Store answer in variable. Then if true tell its true, if not true tell them to write again

Random numberGenerator = new Random ();

int num01 = numberGenerator.Next(1,11);

int num02 = numberGenerator.Next(1,11);

Console.WriteLine("What is " + num01 + " times " + num02 + "?");

int answer = Convert.ToInt32 (Console.ReadLine());

if (answer == num01 * num02) {

int responseindex = numberGenerator.Next(1,4);

switch (responseindex)


case 1:



case 2:








else {

Console.WriteLine ("No!");






Best Answer

  • ConsCons Member
    Accepted Answer

    Looks to me like all you need to do is remove the final curly brace at the end of the code. That should do the trick :)!


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