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Doubt with the tower defense video unlocking levels

hello in the Wave spawner script brackeys put EnemiesAlive = wave.count but i found a way to put multiple enemies in one wave here is the code if you want it

//WaveSpawner Class

IEnumerator SpawnWave()



Wave wave = waves[waveIndex];

for (int z = 0; z < wave.enemies.Length; z++)


for (int i = 0; i < wave.enemies[z].count; i++)



yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f / wave.spawnRate);


if (waveIndex == waves.Length)


Debug.Log("TODO - End Level");

this.enabled = false;





//Wave Class


public class Wave


public float spawnRate;

public WaveGroup[] enemies;


public class WaveGroup


public GameObject enemy;

public int count;



And i cant set Enemies alive = wave.count

Any way to fix this i tried everything i thought of but i cant pls professionals

HELP ME!!!!!!


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