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How do I back up though an existing dialog between NPC's?

Hello, I am new here so if this is out of place, I am sorry. I have went though the How to make a Dialogue System in Unity. Every thing works perfectly and I would just like to add a way for the player to back up through the conversation.

Here is my dialog manager:

public class DialogueManager : MonoBehaviour


   public Dialogue[] conversations;

private Queue<string> sentences;

   private int index = 0;

   public Text nameText;

   public Text dialogueText;

   public AudioSource TypeSound;

   //public Animator animator;

   // Start is called before the first frame update

   void Start()


       DialogueTrigger dialogueTrigger = FindObjectOfType<DialogueTrigger>();

       conversations = dialogueTrigger.conversations;

       sentences = new Queue<string>();

       Time.timeScale = 0;

       TypeSound = GetComponent<AudioSource>();


   public void StartDialogue(Dialogue conversation)


       //animator.SetBool("isOpen", true);

       nameText.text =;


       foreach (string sentence in conversations[index].sentences)






   public void DisplayNextSentence()


       if (sentences.Count == 0)





       string sentence = sentences.Dequeue();




   IEnumerator TypeSentence(string sentence)



       dialogueText.text = "";

       foreach (char letter in sentence.ToCharArray())


           dialogueText.text += letter;

           yield return null;




   public void EndDialogue()



       if (index < conversations.Length)







           Debug.Log("End of dialogue.");

           //animator.SetBool("isOpen", false);


       Time.timeScale = 1;


   public void setIndex(int index)


       this.index = index;


   public void DisplayPreviousSentence()


       Debug.Log("back it up");


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