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I'm getting the error CS8600 (Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type.) And I don't know why. Here is a snippet of the code and context:
Random rng = new Random();
Random dmg = new Random();
string[] monsters = {"skeleton", "goblin", "zombie"};
int[] monstersHealth = {3, 2, 5};
int monsterPicked = rng.Next(0, 3);
int monsterPickedHealth = monstersHealth[monsterPicked];
string monsterName = monsters[monsterPicked];
Console.Write("You adventure down a cave, and find a " + monsterName + " blocking your path!\n");
Console.Write("What would you like to do?\n Attack, Guard, Run\n");
string fightCommand = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("You wrote " + fightCommand + "!");
if (fightCommand == "attack" || fightCommand == "Attack")
int damage = dmg.Next(1, 4);
Console.Write("You use your trusty wooden sword to attack the " + monsterName + ".\nYou do " + damage + " damage!\n");
int result1 = monsterPickedHealth - damage;
Console.Write("The " + monsterName + " has " + result1 + " health left!");
Wow that's a lot