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Hi, I am searching for a way to create random dungeon generation in unity. I have searched for days for this, but my search's results is not satisfying me. Most of the time I get these even rooms which I do not want. I want a generator that can create uneven rooms (ex. Enter the Gungeon, Soul Knight) and some corridors too. Is there any way to do so?
Thanks @Mouledoux for trying to help me, but I found the answer:
Yes, you need to make the rooms yourself, and have the generator place them on the map.
Yea I know, but I do not have any way of adding corridors since I don't know how far does it need to be from the corridor.
What do you mean? As the programmer, you absolutely know how far a corridor is, or where to place them.
If you want to make it even easier, make all your rooms on a grid system. So wen you go to attach them, they'll all connect together with a corridor that is also made to fit your grid system.